Self-Described “Pro-Lifers” Lobby EU on Stem Cells

In the ongoing global search for reason on stem cells, the European Union yesterday refused to ban funding for stem cell research, but also refused to allow scientists to use embryos discarded following in vitro fertilization (IVF). Scientists were disappointed that the EU didn't go further, and Stephen Hawking called the manuever a "fudge." Self-described "pro-life" lobbyists, who seem more concerned with life before birth than they are with the challenges life presents to people who might benefit from this research, continued to push the argument at the EU that use of discarded IVF cells constitutes taking a human life.

Evidently discarding them doesn't.

In the ongoing global search for reason on stem cells, the European Union yesterday refused to ban funding for stem cell research, but also refused to allow scientists to use embryos discarded following in vitro fertilization (IVF). Scientists were disappointed that the EU didn't go further, and Stephen Hawking called the manuever a "fudge." Self-described "pro-life" lobbyists, who seem more concerned with life before birth than they are with the challenges life presents to people who might benefit from this research, continued to push the argument at the EU that use of discarded IVF cells constitutes taking a human life.

Evidently discarding them doesn't.

As Senator Arlen Specter pointed out, in the US, only about 128 of more 400,000 frozen embryos have been adopted, the now famous "snowflakes." Most of the other 399,872 will be trashed instead of used to create new stem cell lines for potentailly life saving research.

The sanctimonious way in which self-described pro-lifers claim only they are working to preserve life is reaching new heights of hypocrisy as they block the life saving promise of stem cell research