Lindsay E. Beyerstein

In These Times

Lindsay Beyerstein is an investigative journalist, filmmaker, and broadcaster in Brooklyn, New York. She she is the lead writer at the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Her reporting has appeared in the New Republic, the Columbia Journalism Review, Newsweek, Slate, and other publications. She is the director of the award-winning documentary “Care in Chaos,” produced by Rewire News Group.

The Breach: Gutting Medicaid to Spite the Poor

President Trump's budget would cut Medicaid spending nearly in half and slash nearly $13 billion from Department of Health and Human Services. Trump’s budget also calls for an end to all federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper is a fellow at Physicians for Reproductive Health and an abortion provider in Maryland, and she joins host Lindsay Beyerstein to discuss the real-life consequences of these cuts.

The Breach: North Korea’s Nuclear Strategy

Mainstream media pundits often portray North Korean leadership as erratic and irrational, but according to guest Ankit Panda, Kim Jong-Un's nuclear strategy is anything but haphazard. On this episode of The Breach, Panda and host Lindsay Beyerstein discuss everything you need to know about the escalating situation between North Korea and the United States.