Bridgette Dunlap

Bridgette Dunlap is a lawyer and a scholar whose work centers on public understanding of and access to legal systems. She has been a legal analyst for Rewire, a staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights, and a fellow and adjunct professor at the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice
at Fordham Law School. She is the author of the articles

Anyone Can ‘Think Like a Lawyer’: How the Lawyers’ Monopoly on Legal Understanding Undermines Democracy and the Rule of Law in the United States

(Fordham Law Review),

Protecting the Space to Be Unveiled: Why France’s Full Veil Ban Does not Violate the European Convention on Human Rights

(Fordham International Law Journal), and

The Rule of Law Without Lawyers: American Legal Reformers and the Cambodian Lawyer Shortage

(working paper).

Despite State Birth Control Mandate, Fordham Law Students Lack Access to Affordable Contraception Even for Medical Reasons

Under New York State's law mandating insurance coverage for contraception, Fordham was able to accept that religiously-affiliated entities that want to sell products in the marketplace like insurance and federally-subsidized education must meet the same quality standards as non-religious organizations. Unfortunately, despite state law, Fordham still fails to guarantee access to affordable contraception.

Law Students Fight Fordham University’s Bait and Switch on Coverage of Birth Control

Fordham University prohibits the prescription of contraception at its health centers and the distribution of condoms on campus though many students aren't aware of that until they've paid for the school's insurance or visited the health center. Many are denied birth control even when facing health risks. This week, law students at the Catholic school are taking matters into their own hands by organizing a clinic just off-campus.