Join the UN Millennium Campaign, Women’s eNews Maternal Health Live Chat Today

On Wednesday, March 25, the UN Millennium Campaign and Women's eNews will host a livechat on maternal health. Pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications are the number one killer of young women in the developing world.

On Wednesday, March 25, the UN Millennium Campaign and Women’s eNews will host a livechat on maternal health. As the UN Millennium Campaign points out, "The number one killer of young
women in the developing world is not a disease whose cure eludes us, or
a condition which the world lacks the resources to treat. It is
pregnancy and childbirth. Every year, 500,000 women die while trying to
give life. That’s one every single minute."

Experts from Asia and Africa will join Women’s eNews editor Kimberly Seals Allers for the livechat tomorrow at 10am EST:

On March 25, 2009 at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time, Annie Raja, General
Secretary of the National Federation of Indian Women, and Dr. Jemima A. Dennis-Antwi,
the International Confederation of Midwives’ Regional Midwifery Adviser for
Anglophone Africa, will share firsthand experiences from the front lines of
the fight against maternal mortality, in a live chat moderated by Kimberly Seals
Allers, Editorial Director of Women’s eNews’ Black Maternal Health series and founder of

You can submit questions now.