“Hardcore Pro-Lifer” Palin on Dobson’s Radio Show

Sarah Palin calls herself a "hardcore pro-lifer" in an interview with James Dobson.

During a campaign swing through Colorado Springs recently, Sarah Palin got on the phone with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson for an interview for Dobson’s nationally syndicated radio broadcast. The adoration flowed freely, and amidst the mutual congratulation, a few nuggets uttered by the possible future vice-president stood out:

Palin told Dobson that she would "seek [God’s] perfect will for this nation and to, of course, seek his
wisdom and guidance in putting this nation back on the right track." 

Palin called herself a "hardcore pro-lifer" and said that giving birth to Trig gave her the opportunity to "to really be walking the walk and not just talking the talk" of "pro-life" values.

In a telling exchange, Dobson told Palin that he was moved by watching Piper Palin smooth Trig Palin’s hair at the Republican National Convention. Dobson said, "One of the most touching and dramatic moments in the last year for
me was when you were speaking at the Republican National Convention and
little Trig was sitting on Piper’s lap and she wet her fingers and
mashed down his hair that was sticking up in the back. I’m sure that
she has seen you do that many times. Boy, that really grabbed my heart,
I’ll tell you."

Palin responded, "I know, that was kind of a nice manifestation there of our
little mother hen there in Piper…"

Right Wing Watch supplies the link to the interview and a transcript.