
Santorum Nostalgic for a Baby’s Cry

Ah, the high drama of politics.

Speaker of the House John Boehner wasn’t the only one talking about abortion at this weekend’s Values Voter Summit.  Presidential candidate Rick Santorum also gave a speech about the sanctity of life, reminiscing about the good old days of fighting against “partial birth abortion.”  Then, to recreate the moment, he quoted a newspaper article. 

About himself.

Via Lifesitnews:

Santorum recalled the words of a Washington Post article that described one of his first forays into the abortion debate on the Senate floor, during the unsuccessful 1996 effort to overturn President Clinton’s veto of a partial-birth abortion ban:

“Not five feet away, Republican Sen. Rick Santorum turned to face the opposition and in a high, pleading voice cried out, ‘Where do we draw the line? Some people have likened this procedure to an appendectomy. That’s not an appendix,’ he shouted, pointing to a drawing of a fetus. ‘That is not a blob of tissue. It is a baby. It’s a baby.’

“And then, impossibly, in an already hushed gallery, in one of those moments when the floor of the Senate looks like a stage set, with its rich wooden desks somehow too small for the matters at hand, the cry of a baby pierced the room, echoing across the chamber from an outside hallway.

“No one mentioned the cry, but for a few seconds no one spoke at all.”

A scrapbook moment indeed.