
McCotter: Roe V. Wade Promotes “Culture of Death”

Add another presidential hoepful to the Susan B. Anthony pledge list.

With an announcement so non-descript that most people missed it, and non-existent polling numbers, Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter is probably the least noticed candidate in the GOP field.

But one group who does know he exists?  The Susan B. Anthony List, who got him to sign their super-anti-abortion pledge.

Via MLive:

“The culture of death, as enshrined by Roe v. Wade, is a present danger to the weakest in our society,” he said in a statement released by the Susan B. Anthony List, the conservative non-profit group sponsoring the pledge.

“Unless Roe is overturned, the culture of death will continue to fester and endanger Americans. To protect future generations of Americans, we must work in our families and our communities to uphold the sanctity of human life.”

This may end up being McCotter’s only headline for the next two weeks, too.