North Carolina Closer than ever to Real Sex-education

With innovative new sex-education legislation in North Carolina, progress could be just around the corner.

It has been quite a year for North Carolina. The state voted for Barack Obama, defeated Elizabeth Dole, and elected the first female governor (who happens to also be pro-choice). But the changes don’t just stop there. With changing demographics in our state and a clarion call for sanity from Washington, comprehensive sex education could just be just around the corner.

Innovative new sex-ed legislation in North Carolina has been moving very quickly this session partly because the approach is so new. The Healthy Youth Act would guarantee complete parental choice in picking the sex-ed curriculum for students – a huge improvement over the abstinence-only currently mandated for the entire state. The bill cleared three committees and the State House in just six weeks and won with a ten vote spread in the full House.

What has changed this session? Letting parents decide.

Opponents to comprehensive sex-ed are having a hard time opposing parental choice and at every turn the media message has always focused on choice and how much choice their should be. In short, we are winning. There is strong evidence that most parents want comprehensive. The problem of course is that they think their kids already get it.

Stay tuned for more successes on this bill at and ask any family or friends you have in NC to take action at our site too.