Maureen Shaw

Maureen Shaw is a feminist, writer, and proud mama of two. Her writing has appeared widely online, including (which she founded in 2011), Quartz, The Atlantic, Huffington Post, MicScary MommyWomen Under Siege, Jezebel, and more. Maureen holds a master’s of arts degree in human rights from Columbia University.

Find Your Voice and Carry a Big Sign

I did not speak a word of my rape for seven years. It wasn’t until my senior year of college that I spilled my secret to a supportive group of students in my women’s studies class. It was like a dam burst; once I spoke my truth, there was no going back.

Becoming a Mother Made Me Even More Pro-Choice

Conservatives and conventional wisdom have told us that it’s only rash teenagers getting abortions. But it’s not irresponsibility that makes women and girls seek abortion care. It’s their awareness of just how massive a commitment parenting is.